Monday, 18 June 2012

Royal Academy of Art, London

This year I applied for the Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition and could not believe it when my application was accepted!

My entry was a copper box with 6 plates inside.

The piece was entitled 'Addresses and Telephone: A Collection of Poems from an Old Address Book'.
The original book is something of a family heirloom and has almost completely fallen apart with old age and regular use.
The book not only contains addresses, but also poems and sayings which have been collected over the years.

As a college project a couple of months ago, I decided to remake the original book in copper and select three of the poems inside to illustrate and preserve in metal.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Victoria,

    I really like your display. I can see your expressive and bubbly personality. Alive, abundant "with it" here and now. The changing of the guard particularly appeals to me because I was born Christopher. But everybody knows me as Robin. Hmm, I wonder if I can blame Alice.

    Best regards, Robin.
